baby newb

A modern parent's checklist



Although not strictly necessary, we found so much use for our bassinet, we can't imagine not having it. The Arm's Reach co-sleeper lets you sleep right next to your baby safely. It's compact, sturdy, and easily portable. You can wheel it to your bedroom at night and another room during the day. It can also be used as a travel crib in the first few months.

The regular version fits traditional box spring beds, while the "Euro" version works with lower platform beds.


Cribs are for the most part fairly generic. Differences are mainly in style. The Pottery Barn cribs provide an elegant modern look and fit standard mattresses. As your child gets older, you can convert the crib to a toddler bed with a separately sold rail. This Simmons mattress can be flipped over for a softer toddler side when baby is ready.

Pottery Barn Emery Crib

Swaddle Blankets

Blankets are some of the most versatile baby items. Not only do they keep the little one warm, they can also be used for a burp cloth or to place on the floor for tummy time.

The Zen swaddle is an ingenious invention that helps keep baby sleeping longer by simulating human touch. We highly recommend it. aden + anais makes a good all-purpose muslin swaddle blanket. You will likely also want a wearable fleece sleep sack for nights when it's a little colder.

Pottery Barn Stroller Blanket


With our active lifestyles we wanted something that was lightweight and sturdy, without breaking the bank. The City Mini strollers fit the bill, as they fold up by one pull of a handle. Urban parents will appreciate storing it compactly, while suburban parents can easily place it in the trunk of a car.

The GT version is a little easier to maneuver than the base.

Infant Car Seat

We prefer an infant seat over a convertible. The handle and lighter weight make it simple to get in and out of cars, whether your own or a taxi. Your baby can fall asleep and keep sleeping when you leave the car. The Britax seat works with a wide range of strollers and has served us well.


An infant wrap will leave your hands free to eat or do household tasks while carrying your baby. Invaluable for those fussy times or when baby wants to sleep in your arms. If you are handy with a sewing machine you may be able to fashion one from cloth, but make sure the cloth is thick and stretchable.


The best carrier is the one that fits your body, allowing proper distribution of baby's weight to your hips. We recommend trying a couple to see which fits the best, but if you can't find them at local stores, the Boba 4G and Beco Gemini earn high accolades.


Even if you're planning to breast-feed exclusively, a few bottles can come in handy for use when traveling or if mommy wants to take a break for a few hours. If you're planning to formula feed, we recommend at least 8 bottles. Remember, you will have to feed your newborn every two hours at first.

Dr Brown's bottles are known for limiting the amount of air that babies swallow but require more effort to clean. These Lifefactory bottles are made of a high quality glass that is easy to clean and free of plastic chemicals.

Changing Pad

Although we think a changing table is overkill, you will need at least a changing pad to lay your baby on while changing diapers. A travel pad can work, but the convenience of a real changing pad is important since you will be changing diapers more than 12 times a day. Having more than one cover is handy for the inevitable messes. Simply throw one in the wash and use the other one.

Travel Pad

You'll need a travel pad as well for when you're on the road or in a public place. This pad folds up nicely. and has space to put wipes.

Diaper Pail

Unless you plan on taking out the garbage every few hours, you'll want a diaper pail to cover the odors. You can use any trash can with a lid. For those using cloth diapers, we recommend this pail with a carbon filter, which lets the diapers get some air but traps in smells, along with this waterproof liner.


Opinion varies on pacifiers but they do come in handy when the baby just can't be consoled. These pacifiers are BPA free. Pick up some wipes for cleaning them when you're out in public and the pacifier drops from baby's mouth.


The Nose Frida seemed ridiculous to us at first. To use it, you literally suck mucous from your baby's nose. However, having used this device and a bulb on a congested baby, there is no comparison. The filter also prevents mucous from actually reaching your mouth. This is a must have. Your baby will thank you for it.

Nail Care

Newborns lack fine motor control and will scratch themselves. Get a nail care kit to file your baby's nails. This kit also has scissors and a clipper for when baby gets older.


A rectal thermometer is the only reliable way to know if your baby has a fever and is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Oral or surface thermometers are not as reliable.


Burby bibs are incredibly useful as a bib, burp cloth, or just a general washcloth. A few regular bibs are also useful for feedings or wiping baby's face.

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